Hi, I am Rawle Juglal

Front-End Developer

rawle dancing with guest at wedding

What I do


A hobbyist turned professional who loves JavaScript. I enjoy turning figma or other design mock ups into interactive magic with ReactJS

My Projects

Who I am

Front-End Developer and soccer enthusiast from growing Oklahoma City

I'm a web developer based out of Crescent, OK. I was once just a hobbyist who liked learning a little bit about building websites, now I'm rabid online tutorial consumer pushing the boundaries of what I thought I could do. My specialities include functional ReactJS component with Sass styling.

My background is film production with a BFA at Oklahoma City University. I coded for a hobby for awhile before getting my first professional contract with Teleflora building floral e-commerce websites.

Jane leaning on a fence post

My projects

A selection of my range of work

Pic Some Clone